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Minutes for Community Council Meeting

February 8, 2021


In attendance:

  • Heather Neilson
  • Kadee Skeem
  • Rebecca Cannon
  • Angie Fisher
  • Melissa Dunn
  • Alayna Weston

The meeting started at 11:00 a.m.

Prior meeting minutes read by Angie Fisher.  Approved by Rebecca and seconded by Melissa.

  • Google chat has been removed from the Chromebooks.

  • For next year’s plan, the Reading goal will be 60% of students in grades 1-3 achieving typical or above grade level growth on the Dibels test.  The Math goal will be 19 points higher than the state average on RISE test.  We will also continue to include and support reading paraprofessionals, PLC collaboration, and librarian subs.

  • The Chromebook cost will be a little higher for next year due to replacing the kindergarten iPads with Chromebooks.  The updated cost will be $20,193.

  • We had a voting motion from Rebecca to approve the 2021-2022 plan and it was approved unanimously.  (Amy Broadbent was absent.)

  • Heather mentioned that if there is no safe passage for children walking to school there is a possibility of buses. Concerned about new subdivisions off of 2600 N.  Sidewalks and crossing guards are the responsibility of the city.

  • The school year will most likely continue with the shortened schedule for the remainder of the year.

  • The PTA has been providing teachers with monthly resources for social and emotional learning.

  • The school is working on ways to take class pictures and ideas for sixth-grade graduation and field day. 


The meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m.

Community Council meetings are finished for this school year.