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Minutes Community Council Committee

September 19, 2016

Meeting began at 11:52 am

In attendance:

Quinn Karlinsey

Kari Breeding

Rebecca Cannon

Angie Fisher

Jamie Costley

Kamarie Merrill

Welcome by committee chair Rebecca Cannon.

Quinn asked if we had all viewed Trustland Videos.  All in attendance had except for Jamie.  Quinn to email Jamie link to watch at home. 

Quinn went through Community Council Compliance checklist.  All members must have names and phone numbers posted on school website.  At least 1 week before, meeting time and agenda must be posted in at least two places.  Ours will be our website and front door.  Minutes from previous meeting must be posted on website ten days before next meeting.  Proposed meeting schedule for 2016-2017 school year:

November 7th

January 9th

March 6th

All times to be at 11:45 am.

Report on last year’s funds by Quinn.  We can only carry over 10% of year’s distribution to new year.  We had approximately $3000 extra last year so we put it toward PLC conference held in July that was originally going to come out of 2016-2017 funds.  Now committee needs to decide how to best distribute this year’s PLC goal of approximately $4000.  To be determined at next meeting.

Current school trust land monies including last year’s carryover and this year’s funds amounts to $58,574.57.  Marci James (aide) will now be paid from trust land funds (rather than DeAnn Weiss).

2015-2016 Sage Test score results discussed.  Language Arts growth increases of percentage of students proficient are 3rd 17%, 4th 3%, 5th 10%, and 6th 16%.  Math increases are 3rd 14%, 4th 5%, 5th 9%, and 6th 20%.  Teachers at Plain City are fabulous!

Meeting adjourned 12:49 pm