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Minutes Community Council Committee

November 9, 2016

Meeting began at 11:55 am

In attendance:

Kari Breeding
Rebecca Cannon
Angie Fisher
Jamie Costley
Kamarie Merrill
Amy Broadbent

Welcome by committee chair Rebecca Cannon. She reported on Utah Trustland meeting for head of community council and principals. Went through compliance checklist and PCE is compliant.  Encouraged at meeting to vote for amendment to increase distribution of trust land funds to individual schools. 

Quinn was not at meeting so Kari went through Trustland Plan goals from 2015-2016 school year. 
1. Reading: (met goal) Increase of at least 5% in DIBELS and DAZE. 
2. Math: (met goal) Overall increase of 12% in grades 3-6.
3. Writing: (met goal) 8% increase school wide of words/minute and 90% increase in writing skills through SLO. 
4. Technology: (met goal) Tech Tuesday implemented which included 16 classes for teachers.  Over 75 chrome books were added and all younger grades have access to IPADS.  Also have increased Wi-Fi in each grade. 
5. Physical Education: (met goal) 100% of kids had access to PE, even special needs, except for four weeks of the school year. 

Budget:  current carryover balance is $10,631.92.

Upcoming meetings January 9th at 11:45 am and March 6th at 11:45 am.  

Meeting adjourned 12:24 pm.