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Minutes Community Council Committee

January 9, 2017

Meeting began at 11:50 am

In attendance:
Quinn Karlinsey
Kari Breeding
Amy Broadbent
Rebecca Cannon
Angie Fisher

Welcome by Rebecca Cannon.  Minutes read from November 7th meeting by Angie Fisher.  

Welcome by committee chair Rebecca Cannon. Minutes read from Nov. 7th meeting by Angie Fisher. 

Trustland Ballot Initiative passed.  Quinn still unsure what results will be.  Most likely a slow and steady increase of funds over next few years.

2016-2017 Trustland Plan update from Quinn.  We are staying on budget.  For salary we have allocated approx. $36,000 and we have spent approx. $12,000.  We are about halfway through the school year but we do still have to pay through the summer.

For conferences and workshops we have allocated approx. $4000 and we have spent $75.  We will probably send 2 teachers to RTI (Response to Intervention) conference in SLC in March and around 6 teachers to PLC (Professional Learning Community) conference in September also in SLC.  If we buy the tickets now for the September conference we will exceed our budget allowance.  We can then pull from excess in salary (if there is one) or from carryover balance.  Current carryover balance is approx $10,600.  We can only carryover 10% which is between $4000-$5000.     

We will spend all budgeted for supplies.  Might have some leftover in textbooks also but won’t know until closer to end of school year. 

Quinn also talked about possibly not using DIBELS as indicator of goals met for 2017-2018 school year for older grades (4-6).  Maybe use SLO (Student Learning Objectives).  Need to decide quickly as plan needs to be written in next few weeks.  Still planning on SAGE for mathematics. 

Kari talked about success of PLCs and Interventions in the Sixth Grade. The Sixth Grade team has presented twice at faculty meetings about Interventions.  They are able to help students at all different levels in ways they never have before.

Upcoming meeting March 6th 11:45 am.

PTA getting close to raising enough funds to start playground on north side of school.  Possibly looking at getting bids this summer.  Next year’s fundraiser will hopefully put them at their goal.  Zach Cannon raised enough funds through an Eagle Scout project to donate 2 benches to school to be placed near playgrounds. 

Meeting adjourned 12:30 pm