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Minutes for Community Council Meeting

October 11, 2021 @ 11:00 A.M. in the conference room

Attendance: Heather Nielson (Principal), Nanette Watson (faculty), Shauna Allen (chair), Angie Skeen, Becki Westergard.
Excused: Angie Fisher.





Welcome and introductions:


Trust Land training video:


All council members need to watch it.

New legislation:

Current information will be found in the website links



Look at the community council link on the Plain City Elementary website (a few items explained)

  • TSSA plan mirrors our school plan
  • Rules of order – we will follow this structure
  • Get involved – community members can go here to apply for this council next year

Any changes or updates to the website will be done by Sharon Mumford.


Report on last year’s funds:

  • $45,119.26 was spent on aide salaries and social security.
  • $599.04 was spent on aide substitutes.
  • $190.00 was spent on certified substitute salaries.
  • $20,529.60 was spent on our Chromebook lease.
  • Not all of the money set aside for substitute teachers was used due to COVID restrictions.
  • Additional funds were used to update technology

What the school will pay for, some examples of these funds are:

  • Smartboards are being replaced with Newline boards (like tv screens)
  • Pathways to progress instead of benchmark testing. Makes it so the students improve from the level they started at. 
  • Reading interventions: K - 3 has four aids who work with the students.
  • Computers – keyboarding and starting now some coding
  • Observations for teachers to watch best practice

The new plan is due by March 2022


 Plain City Elementary received $85,466.08 in School LAND Trust funds  

School business:

  • Halloween parade will be outside – parents liked it last year
  • Volunteers are able to come into school if wear mask or are fully vaccinated don’t need to wear a mask.
  • Mental health/drug prevention – Sher Elliot will be making a presentation on this to teachers.
  • Harvest Festival will replace First Thanksgiving. Will emphasize the harvest industry (beekeeping, farming, etc) and will also have the hayride and scones.