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Minutes for Community Council Meeting

November 6, 2023 @ 1:45 P.M. in the conference room

Attendance: Shauna Allen, Katte Watson, Kelly Shulz, Becki Westergard, Kaylene Wiser, and Sher Elliott

  1. Digital citizenship and programs used in schools presented by Monica Widdison, Digital teaching and learning. Discussed what digital literacy is: the thoughtful and responsible use of technology to find, evaluate, etc. Commonsense media: Digital literacy curriculum. Blocksi- the Chromebook monitoring solution, approved by the Board and looking to be implemented in classrooms by the end of the month. 

  2. Previous minutes approved: Becki was first motion and Sher was second motion.

  3. Reviewed Previous Meeting notes and TSSA- TSSA funds used for PLC conferencesPositive Behavior Plan was discussed: Second Step (SEL), Individual group counseling, bully prevention, school wide b-day recognition, Peer leadership, Coats for Kids, Green Ribbon Safety week, Unity Week, Kindness week, School Wide rules, Botvin Life Skills, Hope Squad, Mindfulness Programs, Restorative circles/practices, Prep for Jr. High.


  1. Sher was delegated the role of working with webmaster
  2. Motion given for Shauna Allen to be the chair
  3. Motion given for Katte Watson to be the co-chair
  4. Council members voted in Kelly Shulz and Kaylene Wiser

NEXT MEETING: February 5, 2024 @ 1:45 p.m.